Cunningham Antics

October 2008

The Cunninghams
October 2008
Dear Family and Friends

Greetings in the awesome name of Jesus Christ our Lord, who offered Himself for us and brought us True Life.

In our last newsletter we had given you an update of the 2007 ministries and where things were headed.  Jacqui also gave some insight into our life at home and how Danica, Lila and Zachary were growing up quickly.

Shortly after we sent that letter out, we spent a good time in Jo’burg with family over the Christmas season. We also got to meet with the Thompsons and the Clevelys after having lived apart from one another for so long.

I think that 2008 has been the most transforming year yet of our 4 year sojourn in studies, ministry and Polokwane. Not only transforming, but particularly blessed as the Lord gave us tickets to Holland to spend 2 weeks with Jacqui’s dad, and wider family, in June. It came at just the right time and we felt His hand of blessing and provision every day – all glory to Him.

We’ve been aware since the end of 2007 that the future of ministry has been on our doorstep and my goal was to start preparing the ministries I’ve been involved in for something of a hand-over, in case I was to leave CBC and minister somewhere else. This kind of thing becomes very stressful because you don’t actually know if the ideas you have or the plans you’re making are going to bear any fruit at all. It’s been a huge up and down rollercoaster of trying to determine the where and what for next year.

We had pursued ministering alongside the Clevelys, and really thought this was where it was all going to happen, but the way has not opened up completely, and at this point it seems we’ll have to surrender those plans to the Lord and His will.
At the end of this month Jacqui and I will be going to Knysna Baptist for a preaching opportunity. This might be where the Lord would have us minister long term, so please pray that we are wise and sensitive about the right man for that church.

I’m currently in my 3rd last session of seminary. The last 2 are in November, and then the graduation is on the 28th. I had a marvellous opportunity to meet with the Baptist Union executive fellows during the time of my BU interview and was able to make some connections and form a few relationships which, I have no doubt, will be vital for future networking with other churches. Part of my trip included attending the BU assembly in Mooi River. It was a blessed time – meeting ministering servants from all over SA (and further) and seeing the larger body at work. The cherry on the top was experiencing some real snow! I’ve never seen snow like that in SA before, and Justin Tamlin and I couldn’t resist putting a few extra large snow balls together.

The Lord continues to grow and prepare our family for pastoral (and other) ministry. Jacqui and I have been working through some very foundational principles of what Christian Life is about, and how that works itself out every day. On top of this, we’ve been learning how to meet one another and support one another while at the same time give space and grace when other out-of-the-routine things pop-up. I really believe that the Lord has been taking us through is in direct preparation for next year, and that we are so better equipped for ministry than when we arrived here, both through our studies and daily life experiences.

Jacqui’s Corner
I also cannot believe how quickly this year has gone by. It is hard to believe that Malcolm’s studies will be drawing to a close at the end of next month. It has been a blessed, thrilling, daunting, exciting, stressful yet relaxing 4 years, and I praise and thank the Lord for this opportunity.

At the moment we are all doing very well health-wise, and thank the Lord for this blessing. As all kids have a tendency of doing, ours are growing up quickly. Danica is becoming a confident little girl who loves to play with her friends, ‘read’ a book or draw a picture. Lila is also close on Danica’s heels and loves to be where the action is even if just to be a spectator. Zachary loves being the centre of everyone’s attention and will do anything to get it. He tries to talk and can say “potato”, “tattoo”, “naanaa”, “apool” and has started to call Danica “DaDa” and Lila “LaLa”. His party trick is of course “Watzuuup!”. He is such a delight and bundle of joy.

I am now finally back on track with homeschooling and we are having a tremendous time. Even Zach likes to have his time at the homeschool table to draw or sort some shapes. This time with the kids each morning is so special, I really treasure it and see it as a privilege. Please pray for wisdom and guidance with regards to choosing a curriculum for Danica’s grade 1 next year (and possibly Lila’s too).

When we are not “doing school” we are outside in our garden. Malcolm has built the girls a fantastic tree house, and they absolutely love playing there! While they amuse themselves there, you’ll find me in my veggie garden. It was getting too small so I’ve enlarged it. At the moment the 13 meters squared contain 19 herbs and 17 different kinds of vegetables with some marigolds, Echinacea, petunias and sunflowers to keep the bugs out! It is unreal how much joy, fascination and satisfaction a garden can bring, especially when I can retreat to it for a quiet moment, or a quick prayer.
Holiday Club
Our yearly holiday club in September went off with a bang. We had an average of 100 lively kids and 40 crazy leaders per day. It was based on the story of Pilgrim’s Progress, and so we were able to teach both evangelistic and discipleship messages. This year we introduced small groups where we had about 7 kids per leader after the message to discuss it and ask questions, and it seems this was a very successful approach. The leaders were greatly encouraged to hear the kids’ questions.
Please remember us in your prayers.
– that we will find the right ministry to be in after graduating
– that our family will be a tight unit in Christ
– that the Lord will guide us in all the logistical decisions if indeed we leave CBC at the end of the year
– that He will continue to provide good health and finances for us
– that we will be protected from the fiery darts of the devil, and remain firm, completely relying and trusting in Him
– that Jacqui will manage by Christ’s grace the great demands of homeschooling and running the home
– that Malcolm will finish strong with his studies and be equipped for the next phase
To all those who continue to support us financially, we give our deep-felt thanks as we know that the current economic environment has everyone in a pinch. May the Lord richly bless you for everything with which you have blessed us!

To all those who remember us in your prayers, we cannot say thank-you enough. We continue to experience the power of God through prayer every day as we learn to trust that only He is able.

To all those who remain in contact with us, even when our correspondence is lacking, thank you! Your letters and phone calls are so encouraging.

May the Lord of Peace grant you steadfastness and perseverance in the living hope of His return – Maranatha! Come Lord Jesus!

Ecclesiastes 3:11 : He has made everything beautiful in its time. Also, he has put eternity into man’s heart, yet so that he cannot find out what God has done from the beginning to the end.

God’s richest blessings on you all.
From Malcolm, Jacqui, Danica, Lila and Zachary

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